Tasha's Cou-Cou, An Excerpt from CircleSquare

A spot of indigestion, anyone?  Illustration Copyright © 2023 by Akaila Armstrong.


DAVID PLACED two small scoops of cou-cou on Tasha’s plate with two slices of sweet potato, some salt-fish gravy and cucumber salad. Then he dished out his portion and started to eat.

Winning Words: Heinz 57, Maybe?



MANY BARBADIANS consider me white.  At CBC, the late Terry Mayers said no matter what I do or how I think and feel I’ll always be treated as white.  This was in no way a bad thing, he was putting a name to a mindset I was already aware of!  Like me, he knew I was anything but.  I’m more mixed than Heinz 57: African-Danish-Italian-Carib-Portuguese-Scots, etc.  I said to him my mother’s birth certificate says she is Coloured.