ArtsEtc Inc. 1814-6139
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

MY WORK speaks of the multi-faceted aspects of living in the real world.
Each piece provides a representation of where a person has come from, where he or she exists, and where a person can be—having chosen the paths to individual success.
Failure is inevitable; pain and loss are normal; but neither they nor their effects should be marginalized.
We shall all encounter them at some time or another. On the right occasion, when we are ready, we shall accomplish great things in spite of them.
Humility, resilience, patience, courage, and faith in the power of The Creator shall always take us higher, and bring us into an acknowledgement of who we are, and what our own sacrosanct and distinct purpose(s) is(are) on this planet. These qualities organize in us a palatable framework from which harmony with others may be acquired amicably.
My work is designed in such a way as to last throughout and possibly beyond a lifetime. Each occasion it is viewed, it is meant to provide a new perspective and a further visual of a better and healthier path to live on.
My work also helps to supply pieces of a puzzle to an individual who is humble and patient enough to learn from others. Learning from something or someone surely is a choice, and teaching is most certainly a vocation. Both I enjoy participating in whenever the need arises and the context is right.
On the flip side, for some, their piece shall just be to them something to put on a blank wall or to decorate a room. For others, it will be a lifesaver and fuel to help them soar beyond their previous limitations.
As the valuable saying goes, “A word to the wise is enough….”
I therefore believe that choosing to learn and accept the truth about any circumstance can make us more knowledgeable and stronger to soar over any hurdle. The thing is to identify which hurdles are in our lane and which ones aren’t.
Some jobs involve sitting in the bleachers and cheering, others may be on the sidelines, to help if needed. There is a place for the planners, the marketers, the coaches, and all of us.
Recognizing and choosing to accept our own role in the great framework makes for a smoother race for all. This recognition is personal and cannot be decided by anyone but the individual herself.
Each piece of mine, being different, should not be compared to the other. Each is meant to fit a particular context and achieve a specific goal, to tell its own story.
As it is with any artwork that has been designed by an artist, the artist determines whether that piece is finished or not—not the viewer. It is up to the viewer to get “the message” that is being conveyed. Transformations of body, mind and spirit can occur when a humble approach is applied.