ArtsEtc Inc. 1814-6139
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

Karen Austin is the Managing Director of Days Bookstore, an educational booksellers in Independence Square, Bridgetown, Barbados. "Initially I started to help my Dad with his growing business. My background was hospitality/tourism. I’ve started to use the term "bookseller" because when I indicate Managing Director people begin to see dollar signs and they think I’m loaded.”
Very methodical, organized, structured, good memory; this involves reminding my colleagues what tasks they have forgotten to complete.
My Mum/Dad. When you become older, you realize that [your mum's] words were of wisdom and that she wasn’t nagging you.
Company growth and some employee’s poor attitudes towards work.
The knowledge that “there is always room for improvement”. My Mum would preach this every time she saw my school reports.
Finding Mr. Right. Or Mr. Wrong.
Days’ website relaunch, our 25th anniversary and World Book Day (WBD)—an international event which we celebrate every March. My philosophy for WBD was to spread the importance of reading. Further, with such a high literacy rate, I couldn’t understand why no one in Barbados recognizes WBD as it is celebrated by over 100 countries and is endorsed by UNESCO. I came across a quotation some years ago that read ‘reading unlocks the secrets and wonders of the world’. I’ve hung on to that saying since. its author? Margaret Thatcher.
Is Back to School – the biggest event in my work life.
I have a pile of books I want to read...from Steve Jobs to Nelson Mandela. Currently I’m skimming through a book on dog training called “The Other End of the Leash”. I am a pet parent to four dogs. I don’t read as often as I would like. I read lots as a child. In fact, one morning I got into lots of trouble with my Gran because instead of getting ready for school, I was lying across the bed reading Enid Blyton’s Famous Five. I enjoyed Malory Towers as well. It is important to realize that reading from very young helps in extending one’s vocabulary and in expressing oneself eloquently in writing and verbally.
British drama on PBS, BBC America or TV Ontario. They are so real, no gimmicks or unrealistic fairy-tale endings.
Thankful – be grateful for what you have in life, someone else is always worse off.
Positive – Things could be worse…they happen for a reason.
Humble - I hate snobbery and people who think they are better than you. We’re all going to end up 6 ft under, anyway.
Cheesecake – My favourite dessert.
Fun – Enjoy life, it’s too short.
Go to http://www.daysbookstore.com/index.htm