ArtsEtc Inc. 1814-6139
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

When he comes
He waits patiently by the door.
He knocks softly.
He asks,
May I come in?
Are you at home?
Is now a good time?
He waits.
10 minutes
50 minutes
2 hours.
Until I am ready.
And when he enters
He brings kind greetings.
Fruit from his orchard.
He compliments my home
And its small changes.
He is careful
Delicate with the pieces.
Each one beautiful.
Each one prized.
Each one mine.
He asks before he touches
With his mouth
His eyes.
And when he leaves
He leaves gracefully
Careful not to damage
What he adores.
He holds my hand
Kisses my temple
Thanks me for my warmth
My hospitality
The food
The fire.
And I tell him
Come again
You are welcome.
And I give him the key
Tell him he is at home
And he says
He knows
Asante sana.
And the next time he comes
He waits patiently by the door.
He knocks softly
And he asks
May I come in?
Chloe Walker (Silver, 2018) recently returned to the pen after a ten-year hiatus, which followed a well-decorated career as a child poet. Chloe hopes to use her success in the 2018 NIFCA Literary Arts Competition as a catalyst for life-long engagement with “grown-up” creative writing.