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All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

4 Love of Barbados, the project, has been up and running for just over a month. Here's a snippet of some of the responses gathered so far to question No. 8 of the 4LB Prose Poem questionnaire: If Barbados were an animal, colour, emotion or element of nature. See the full questionnaire below and follow the links if you'd like to take part.
My Barbados should be like the "little drop of water and the little grains of sand" [in the verse Little Things]. It needs to be an element of nature, then it would be the best it can be. - Verletta "Judy" Gibson, St Michael
This Barbados, right now, in 2024, I can consider it to be a dog. Meaning it's a dog eat dog world. Every man for himself. As an element of nature, Barbados is becoming like a fire because of the actions of its people. Even driving, you can see it on the road. - Jason Alleyne, St Philip
Barbados is like a cow with a calf. If you are passing, it is like, "Moooo! Beware! That belong to me. Don't touch it." From the time you approach, it mooing and saying, "keep away, that is my property." - Esther Husbands, St Michael
Barbados is aquamarine. That's the colour of the sea and my favourite. It is something like the wind, involving motion. If it was an emotion, it would be something on the love side. It's always percived as romantic and I guess it is if you're not bogged down with stuff. And it can be romantic...I've done hiking and camping here and I can see the romance in the landscape. - Lois Ince, Christ Church
Barbados should be blue, [it should present itself as] calm and relaxing. A quiet, loving dolphin just swimming and being lazy in the rolling waves. - Wendy Blackman, US
Right now, Barbados reminds me of a crab or a rat; an overcrowded rock, murky blue-green in colour; a dark, heavy cloud that won't rain. - Linda M. Deane, St Michael.
Barbados is a rainbow, it’s got a bit of everything for everyone. You can always find something that you like about it. - Lamair Nash, St Thomas
It would be an opal, because it is found in many different colours - all considered precious. - June Stoute, St James
Barbados would be a lovely flamboyant ree. That is what it is meant to be. - Hazel Blackett, St James
Click HERE to create a 4LB prose-poem of your own. Have fun with it and who knows, your response to question 8 may land here too!