ArtsEtc Inc. 1814-6139
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

THE ArtsEtc Independence Reading List has reached a milestone: it's now in its tenth edition!
The IndyList, as we like to call it, is a selection of 12 Barbadian books to make friends with over the coming year.
The list, which first appeared in 2011, is part of the Editors' ongoing "Mapping Our Literature" mission, which promotes awareness of and celebrates Barbadian books and their authors. Each year, we recommend new, classic, and noteworthy titles in fiction and non-fiction, poetry, and children’s literature.
And we encourage you to discover and add your own!
The mapping has expanded to include book reviews. A goal this year, spearheaded by our editorial assistant, Racquel Griffith, is to provide a write-up on each book on The IndyList—one a month—through our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
One truth about life the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of is that during times of crisis people look to the arts more, not less, to help sustain them.
We wish to thank the Frank Collymore Literary Endowment, Days Books and Bajan Reporter for their continued forward thinking and support of the IndyList. We invite schools, reading groups and book clubs interested in learning more about the IndyList to contact us, and to visit our online fiction, poetry and artist's studio galleries.
Happy Independence—all year long!
Antiquity, Adisa Andwele
Considering where we’ve been, where we’re going
Caribbean Treasure: A Trove of 18th Century Barbadian Poetry and Prose, Vol. 1,
Kevyn Alan Arthur
Before Colly, Lamming, Marshall, or Kamau
The First Black Slave Society: Britain’s “Barbarity Time” in Barbados, 1636-1876,
Hilary McDonald Beckles
Why reparations matter
Pathways, Ronnie Carrington
Other windows to an island
Amongst Thistles and Thorns, Austin Clarke
There’s a paradise somewhere for this Milton
The Man Who Loved Attending Funerals and Other Stories, Frank Collymore
It’s not what you think
Pick of the Crop, Nailah Folami Imoja
A mighty song of a novel
Water with Berries, George Lamming
Artists, England, the Caribbean—revolution!
The Chosen Place, The Timeless People, Paule Marshall
Split down the middle, cracked but still whole
Frontiers of the Caribbean, Philip Nanton
Testing the boundaries of regional spaces
Barbados’ Most Wanted, Kim L. Ramsay
Tek care who yuh swear for…
Tuk, June Stoute
To the beat of the Bajan heart
Catch up on your local reading by checking out our previous Lists:
2019: https://artsetcbarbados.com/news/2019-indylist
2018: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/2018-indylist
2017: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/2017-indylist
2016: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/2016-indylist
2015: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/2015-indylist
2014: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/2014-indylist
2013: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/carrying-our-writers-us-artsetc%E2%80%99...
2012: http://artsetcbarbados.com/news/artsetc-champions-bajan-books
2011: http://aestagerightleft.blogspot.com/2011/