ArtsEtc Inc. 1814-6139
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

Self-taught, Corrie has photographed, and also scribbled and painted on everything she could find since childhood. She still does.
I have no choice. It is in my blood.
I work through my gut/muse. I take time and listen to myself and what I need to do and not what others want me to do, and so I do not take commissions. I love experimenting so work in all media, playing with techniques. I allow to “come out” what does.
Sometimes daily life, sometimes myself.
This amazing world we live in.
Creating the Arts Directory Barbados, which shows off the many creative talents in Barbados. It grew from a slim book into a tome of over 300 pages.
When I can just allow the flow.
Crisp—because, when you say it, it sounds like it is
Greasy (but pronounced gree-zee, like Bajans do)—and it again sounds like the word
Sere—such a clean, dry word
Overworking a piece, belabouring anything creative.
Cheri by Colette. Colette’s prose is so beautiful I find myself reading and rereading sentences due to the glorious way they are formed.
Omeros by Derek Walcott. His words evoke our Caribbean so visually. I read Omeros and I see it.
Am working on getting back to my studio to create a series that I have in my mind waiting to be put to canvas/paper/pen, and if I am happy when I finish the body of work, having an exhibition.
Would like to see more respect for the fine arts from government and not just lip service. At the same time, I believe we creative people need to stand up and do for ourselves, but there is still support needed.