ArtsEtc Inc. 1814-6139
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

THERE ARE SOME ARTISTS who create based on what they see with their two eyes. There are others who create what they see with their third eye. Then there are some who create what they see with all three, and others still who recreate what they see others creating.
Artists, and those of a similar calling, create with integrity and self. Those persons are interdimensional. They exist broadly and intensely in many dimensions of the human self, and the worlds of physicality, causality, emotion, intellect, energy and spirituality. They move with soul, allowing them to drag things, ideas, persons, emotions from one dimension into our own dimension of density and friction. They literally reach into the depths of the abyss, the depths of the mind, the depths of the heart, the depths of the soul, the depths of existence.
They are explorers of the most intimate, the most scary, the most intimidating and the most lonely aspects of being human. It is the loneliest of endeavours, being an artist. All for a cause in which they receive no praise, no security, no stability, and no understanding. The cause of our evolution, the cause of love, the cause of togetherness, the cause of understanding and compassion, and sometimes the cause of chaos and anarchy. In essence, the cause of needed change and reflection. They see what no one else can, and drag from other dimensions to create that change.
To be an artist, you must be brave. To be an artist, you must endure ridicule and judgment. To be an artist, you must battle with self-doubt. To be an artist, you must not give up on yourself. To be an artist, you must constantly worry about food and finances. You must share with an unappreciative, judgmental and constantly broken world that does not value your worth but covets it. Needs it. Your purpose is solely/souly to create. To do. You are the definition of the iconic words of creation itself, "I Am." "I,” the conscious observer, “Am,” the action of motion, doing or being. A calling you have no choice in and will always nag you. Because it is you.
If you lose your power, it is because you refuse to accept the world is as terrible and as broken as it is. Know your place, and walk with confidence. You create, therefore awaken your eyes and see the world as it is, and prepare yourself for battle. Become wise to the realities of your physical life. And transcend from an artist to a philosopher to a leader, or adviser to a leader. You think about solutions to problems. You think beyond any box. Become known. Be that influential person.
Your body is a culmination of all the things that it has consumed, from the moment of conception, from food to thoughts to experiences, whether good, bad or indifferent. House the memory of each of these things and the way they make you feel.
Your mind is a culmination of all of your experiences, of what you have seen, heard, tasted, felt, endured, witnessed, lost, read, watched, and done.
Your spirit is free and wild and desires freedom to be complete. Know this. It is important as your spirit will govern most of your actions.
Your soul is pure, naive and volatile. Its capacity for wisdom is its uniqueness and its inevitability. You see with your soul either the best in all things, the worst in all things, or a confusing mixture of the two that almost never balances. This is your inner struggle. It will balance. With time and observation of the self.
Your obstacles are your challenges. They are deliveries from Creation. We learn through experiences and opportunities, pain and pleasure. These are your teachers. The Universe does not use words to communicate. Understand this. Become fluent in its language. Pay attention. Observe. Move. Take action. Ask: "Why?" Ask: "What did I learn?" Ask: "How do I improve?" Listen to and observe the responses. You will see them in the world.
"Artist" is a word given to you by people who must label you, as they must label all things. But they have no idea of the vastness and limitlessness of that word. To call you an artist is to call you part of the Divine potential of all things to come and all that has come before. Artist is not a label, it is the highest calling of evolution. It is Divine. It is power. Be responsible with it. The costs are very high.
Faith and inspiration are very difficult to explain. They exist in a place where words are not the strongest. Experience them.