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All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com
All works copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. ©2013 - hoc anno | www.artsetcbarbados.com

Taking on the world in leaps and bounds: The Translator, a COVID-19 hero of The Gathering. Artwork Copyright © 2020 by Tré Greaves. Comments courtesy of the 2021 graduating class of BFA graphics students at Barbados Community College.
INDEPENDENCE is the ability to not be reliant on another person's authority, while freedom—to me—is more a feeling and the power to act and think without restraint.
Destiny King Lavine
I consider freedom and independence to be rooted in individuality: for one to possess a strong sense of self in order to make decisions, whether creative, innovative or logical, for the betterment of oneself and ultimately for one’s society.
Mariah Standford
Freedom gives us the right to make a decision on our own, to have a right to speak on our own behalf, to have a will in choice and the opportunity to vote and be heard. Independence breaks us apart from having to be under another nation, which means we have the opportunity to confide in our nation to make decisions. “These fields and hills beyond recall are now our very own” because “we are strict guardians of our heritage.”
Jenisa Reed
Freedom is the ability to be unapologetically yourself, without restraint or constant awareness of your environment, while independence, to me, is the ability to make decisions freely.
Decisions that lead to discovery of one's true self.
Christopher Johnson-Brancker
I don’t think anyone is truly free. We are all a slave to something, whether it be our work, our dreams or our addictions. Pleasures, responsibilities and regrets sculpt us as people and define our individual personalities as human beings.
Haben Sandiford
Freedom: The ability to do what I want, go where I want; basically to exist without consequence or prejudice. Independence: The ability to be and do things without interference or need for an outside entity. These two things are very different and they do exist. In my opinion, they are easier to obtain here than in the "wealthier" countries.
Leeann Harris
Independence would be the ability to make decisions of your own free will, no matter if the consequences are good or bad. Freedom would be a state of being in which you are free from commitments that put you in a subservient/disadvantaged position.
Ché Hinds
Independence is being able to autonomously make you own rules and decisions. Freedom is being detached from physical control, or rather an undesirable situation or environment.
Hadley Edwards