Haiku image by Kadiejra O'Neal, November 2018.

LOVE WAS BY KADIEJRA O'NEAL.  Photo Copyright © 2018 by Kadiejra O'Neal.

If I were to count 
All the ways in which I love 
I would have no words

I am in love with 
A shell of a man a ghost 
I thought I knew him

Her breasts are supple
 Like they were bathed in my tears 
You abandoned me

You found your soulmate 
But my hair does not blow in 
The wind like hers does 

You found your soulmate 
My hair does not tuck behind 
My ear like hers does 

You found your soulmate
 My hair does not fringe above 
My eyes like hers does

I sit here waiting 
For you to make up your mind 
But will it happen

Kadiejra O'Neal is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice thematically focuses on physical and emotional relationships, which may shape or confront the human condition, its culture and identity.